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What is the future of artificial intelligence?

The future of artificial intelligence:

We welcome you, visitors to the educational, cultural, and tourist site that provides you with the correct and meaningful information in everything you need, and you search for it on the Google search engine, and we provide you through this article with: The future of artificial intelligence, hopes and fears. Great efforts in various scientific fields. When the results of these efforts began to appear, it became clear that its effects went beyond the scientific field to affect a large part of daily life. In the face of this new development, those interested in the subject were divided into two parts: a section that believes that these smart machines will eventually destroy human life and control the world, and reach a stage of development that is difficult for humans to control. Another section does not see any danger in the matter, but on the contrary looks forward to a future in which there is a lot of luxury, as smart machines will provide ease in many areas of life. It is worth noting that a large number of the components of the first section are from the manufacturers of these machines and workers in the field. In the following, we will present the two points of view and leave it to the reader to judge, noting that the subject is very complex despite its apparent simplicity and requires deep thinking and careful study. 1 - Artificial intelligence, the technology of mass destruction: Intelligent machines and genius robots were an amusing theme for science fiction films that had no goal other than to provide great profits in cinemas by unleashing human imagination, but today, by following what is happening in this field, the achievement of these machines is not far away. The first attempts in this path were crowned with success, and soon science fiction may become a scientific reality. If this success continues, the world will face many dangers in this century that may lead to the human being becoming a slave serving the robot. Two options are insignificant. As for the first option, it is that we leave the machine the freedom to make decisions from the beginning, and by this we lose control over the course of things, and in this case no one knows where the machines will lead us, because they are the ones who plan and we execute without awareness or thinking. This option is very naive, as there is no human being stupid enough to make him surrender his command to a machine, even if it is very intelligent. It is not that simple. In the not-too-distant future, the world will become extremely complex to the point where it becomes difficult for a person to keep up with things and makes it easier for himself to seek the help of the machine and accept its decisions, and little by little it will have the first and last decision, and the world will become more complicated. At that time, dispensing with the machine becomes a form of suicide, even if we look back a little before the television, the car, the air conditioner, the telephone, the refrigerator, and others. If we compare those days to today, we will see how attached we are to the machine, even though today's machine has nothing of intelligence and does not make decisions. The machine of the near future is more tempting and more powerful. As for the second option, it is that we do not hand over the reins of affairs to the machine, and the person has control over a number of smart machines that belong to him, such as household machines, cars, computers, and others. In this case, the machines will be the largest, most capable, and smartest among a small number of people, and they are the elite. To servants who serve the powerful and they are few, and given the selfishness, greed, and self-love of human beings, it is not difficult to imagine the disastrous consequences of this technological class. So, in the form of access to the smart machines that workers in the field of artificial intelligence sought, humanity will have two options, the sweeter of which is a matter of bitterness. The matter here is related to the future of humanity and must be taken seriously. The possibility of a robot outperforming a human being is a very dangerous matter that cannot be ignored, even if it is unlikely. And no human being in this day is able to assert the impossibility. As long as the possibility exists, there is an imminent danger. It will be difficult for the average person to feel the danger, and the evidence for this is that despite the rapid developments in the field of artificial intelligence, few have talked about the risks that await us in the future, and this is normal for two important reasons, the first of which is that the average person deals with these things from afar and considers himself not responsible for their details. And its effects and its future, and he does not concern himself with that. If we take, for example, genetic engineering and its dealings with the closest things to man, which is food, then this field came to revolutionize the agricultural field by developing tens of thousands of new crops by manipulating the genes of natural crops. Despite the transgression of the laws of the universe, it did not cause discussion or confusion, on the contrary, the US Department of Agriculture approved 50 agricultural crops. More than half of the global crop of soybeans and a third of the agricultural crop of corn contain abnormal genes, and no one cared, or perhaps many did not know. But when the issue of cloning and the sheep, Dolly, came to the headlines and became the talk of the people, many considered it an immoral use of technology. So where is the difference? The birth of Dolly made people feel the danger of the field of genetic engineering, although Dolly will not harm anyone, but the principle itself is rejected by many. As is always the case, we do not know about something and its seriousness until after it becomes a reality. So should we wait until we read in the newspapers about the appearance of the first man who surpasses human intelligence? Most likely, that will be the case. The second reason why it is difficult for the average person to realize the danger that intelligent machines can pose to human lives is that we are used to accepting new discoveries easily. The abundance of discoveries that took place in the twentieth century made our acceptance of them - and perhaps our welcome of them - a matter of routine that does not require thinking, but what many people do not know is that the discoveries of the twenty-first century are not of the classic type. To have the ability to copy "and replicative multiplication. The new robot may automatically become robots, and why not? This happened with the genes that man invented, and we have a lesson in the "Ebola" virus. We are still in the process of writing these lines. We have heard of the process of cloning the first two embryos. Humans, one of whom is Brazilian) and the rest may come with our hope that they will not come. The twentieth century was the century of weapons of mass destruction, and the twenty-first century may be the century of informatics of mass destruction" or "technology of mass destruction", and we have a lesson in the past century that we should not ignore. When physicist Robert Oppenheimer led a team of geniuses to invent the atomic bomb, none of them or others stopped to question its feasibility. Their fear of Hitler was stronger than their moral and ethical tendency, and the invention was quickly accomplished. At that point, some of them felt the need to stop at this point, but it was too late. A number of these scientists were tempted by the genius of invention to persist in this path to the end, and on August 6, 1945 AD, one of these bombs was dropped on Hiroshima, causing destruction (Fig. 8-2), and the catastrophe shook all over the world. Another bomb hit Nagasaki just three days later. While many were living in a state of terror, there were those who felt a state of relief and joy - he rejoiced in the success of the invention to the point of arrogance and scientific arrogance. We are ready to bear the consequences. Scientific successes tempt scientists to go far, even if the results violate morals and harm humanity. The limit did not stop at atomic bombs, as other weapons of mass destruction appeared, such as biological and chemical weapons.

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If these inventions in the twentieth century were evil to humanity, then the inventions of the twenty-first century are more dangerous. The weapons of mass destruction needed large and secret information and needed rare chemical elements and efforts at the state level, and this limited their danger, but the informatics of mass destruction would be cheap, available and accessible to everyone, and these smart machines that we are anticipating will be machines of destruction if scientists engage in science. And forget morals, we entered the new century without a clear future vision, and what is more dangerous than that is that the technology makers entered it without any brakes, with globalization and the free market through It prevents big companies from looking for profits in machines, even if they contain the destruction of the world? Weapons of mass destruction have witnessed absolute control by governments, and informatics of mass destruction will witness absolute control by commercial companies, and there is a difference between this and that. Many scientists believe that science will reach the invention of the very smart machine before the year 2030 AD, and with the advent of this machine and the possibility of its reproduction, "the world will enter into an irreversible impasse. There is no solution but to retreat from technology that may harm humans and focus on ethics in the engineering fields. And he asks The human being himself, why do we do what harms us? The advanced technology that artificial intelligence will produce, even if it does not threaten our survival on earth, may abort humanity within us, as a small device like television killed our family and social relationships, and a device like a computer made our children forget their simple games that are full of fun and creativity, and a simple invention like the Internet imprisoned books in Shelves and making reading a waste of time is not in line with the spirit of the times. If such “stupid” devices succeeded in stripping us of some of our humanity and habits, will I stand before what is smarter than them? It is far from being achieved and the waves will be high. We hope that things will not go in this direction, but who knows? E the smart machine They are overly optimistic that the machine will reach in the near future to a great degree of intelligence that makes us fear for ourselves. This excess of optimism generated pessimism, and as it is said, "If something reaches the limit, it will turn into the opposite." Many people believe that computing power, robotics, genetic engineering and other modern sciences are still not mature yet. So why do we act as if it has come true? Why do we accuse this technology on the basis of what it may cause us in the not so near future? Why do we resort to this kind of pessimistic extrapolation? Machines smarter than us can be very hard to come by. And even if the miracle happened and we arrived after many years, we will have become accustomed to these types of miracles. It is God’s blessing upon man that he gave him the ability to adapt. In the nineteenth century, people believed that their flesh would be removed from their bones if they rode a train traveling at a speed of 30 km per hour, and we are now riding planes that travel at the speed of sound and nothing has happened that threatens our humanity or our existence. And the dreamers of the early twentieth century thought that at the end of the century we would have our own private jets and go into space. And these dreams were expressed in science fiction books from 1920 to 1950 AD, and the great scientists such as Edison and Tesla predicted that atomic and electrical energy would be free at the end of the twentieth century, and the opposite was the case. Many of the old predictions and extrapolations were correct, but history has taught us that extreme predictions always lie. There is no doubt that the technology of the future will present a great challenge to humanity, but there is nothing new in the issue. The technology of the past posed a challenge to those before us, and as they were, we will be able to meet the challenge. This bright present that we live in now was a dark future for those who imprisoned Galileo. And the dark future drawn by the pessimists will be a bright present for those who will coexist with these smart machines. Discussing human “surrendering” to robots or copying machines without our control is premature. If we approach that era, which may not be soon, and if facts are available, man will be as he has always been able to avoid total destruction, so there is no fear of continuing the path of science and technology, because the destruction caused by ignorance is much more than that caused by science, especially in a world in which science is a criterion. First and foremost supremacy. Dear visitors, the staff of the site provides us with answers to all your questions that you send to the mail or put in the comments box.

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