في تصنيف اختبارات نهائية بواسطة (1.3مليون نقاط)
Frank's day begins at 6:30. He gets up, ', takes a shower and gets dressed. He always has breakfast and drinks a cup of coffee . Then he goes to the university for 13 his classes. When he finishes his morning 1 classes, he usually eats lunch at 12:00 in the cafeteria. At lunch, he sometimes talks with his friends. After lunch he goes to his afternoon classes. He usually goes home at about 5:00. He eats dinner and relaxes for a while. Sometimes he takes a walk or goes running. For the rest of the evening he reads and does homework. Frank goes to bed about 11:00. What a busy day!

 عزيزي الطالب إن البحث عن المصدر الموثوق الذي تستسقي منة معلوماتك هو أول مراحل التفوق، فيجب عليك أن تنتقي الموقع الذي يقدم لك المعلومة الهادفة، والحل الصحيح، الذي تستطيع من خلالة مواكبة عملية التطور الهائلة داخل المنهج التعليمي السعودي، ونظرا لكثرة عملية البحث عن إجابة سؤال:

Frank's day begins at 6:30. He gets up, ', takes a shower and gets dressed. He always has breakfast and drinks a cup of coffee . Then he goes to the university for 13 his classes. When he finishes his morning 1 classes, he usually eats lunch at 12:00 in the cafeteria. At lunch, he sometimes talks with his friends. After lunch he goes to his afternoon classes. He usually goes home at about 5:00. He eats dinner and relaxes for a while. Sometimes he takes a walk or goes running. For the rest of the evening he reads and does homework. Frank goes to bed about 11:00. What a busy day!

الإجابة الصحيحة هي:

Frank's buey day

1 إجابة واحدة

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بواسطة (1.3مليون نقاط)
أفضل إجابة
Frank's day begins at 6:30. He gets up, ', takes a shower and gets dressed. He always has breakfast and drinks a cup of coffee . Then he goes to the university for 13 his classes. When he finishes his morning 1 classes, he usually eats lunch at 12:00 in the cafeteria. At lunch, he sometimes talks with his friends. After lunch he goes to his afternoon classes. He usually goes home at about 5:00. He eats dinner and relaxes for a whilay!

اسئلة متعلقة

1 إجابة
سُئل مايو 30، 2023 في تصنيف واجبات مدرسية بواسطة تزودنا (1.3مليون نقاط)
مرحبًا بك إلى تزودنا، حيث يمكنك طرح الأسئلة وانتظار الإجابة عليها من المستخدمين الآخرين.